[SFS] PostgreSQL Training

David L. Willson DLWillson@TheGeek.NU
Fri, 18 Jul 2014 10:15:53 -0600 (MDT)

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Kevin is running his Introduction to PostgreSQL in one day again. This time at the Tinkermill. 

RSVP here: 

Or here: 

If we don't have at least 3 RSVP's at least 3 days before the class, I'll recommending pulling it from the schedule and refunding any money. 

David L. Willson 
Teacher, Engineer, Evangelist 
RHCE+Satellite CCAH Network+ A+ Linux+ LPIC-1 UbuntuCP NovellCLA 
Mobile 720-333-LANS(5267) 

This is a good time for a r3VOLution. 

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<html><head><style type='text/css'>p { margin: 0; }</style></head><body><div style='font-family: Times New Roman; font-size: 12pt; color: #000000'>Kevin is running his Introduction to PostgreSQL in one day again. This time at the Tinkermill.<br><br>RSVP here:<br>http://www.meetup.com/LongmontHackerSpace/events/193823862/<br><br>Or here: <br>http://www.sofree.us/?p=139298<br><br>If we don't have at least 3 RSVP's at least 3 days before the class, I'll recommending pulling it from the schedule and refunding any money.<br><span><br><span name="x"></span>--<br>David L. Willson<br>Teacher, Engineer, Evangelist<br>RHCE+Satellite CCAH Network+ A+ Linux+ LPIC-1 UbuntuCP NovellCLA<br>Mobile 720-333-LANS(5267)<br>http://sofree.us<br><br>This is a good time for a r3VOLution.<span name="x"></span><br></span><br></div></body></html>