[SFS] Bitcoin online "wallets"

David L. Willson dlwillson@sofree.us
Fri, 2 Jan 2015 05:57:51 -0700 (MST)

Do you use an online Bitcoin "wallet" ( which is totally *not* a bank )?

I want to address online banks, er... "wallets" at the SFS Bitcoin Workshop tomorrow at denhac. If you've no idea what I'm talking about, go here http://www.meetup.com/denhac-hackerspace/events/219370790/ or here http://www.sofree.us/?p=167043

Until now, I've been recommending against their use, but I wonder if the risk of poor local management outweigh the risk of poor ba- erm, online wallet service management; I wonder if I'm expecting too much of the average Joe/Jane, when I say, "You *must* to backup your wallet(s), protect your private keys, and not keep too much money in one place."

And so again, my question:

Do you use an online Bitcoin "wallet" ( which is totally *not* a bank )?

If so: why, which one, and why that one?