[SFS] Linux Installfest

David L. Willson DLWillson@TheGeek.NU
Wed, 1 Jul 2015 15:21:30 -0600 (MDT)

Do you want to install Linux on something or want someone else to install it for you in exchange for beer and pizza? Or have a Linux-related project or problem? Or want to hang out with people that do? 

Come to denhac around noon on Sunday and we'll have an Installfest until we get bored and wander off. 

David L. Willson
Teacher, Engineer, Evangelist
RHCE+Satellite CCAH Network+ A+ Linux+ LPIC-1 UbuntuCP NovellCLA
Mobile 720-333-LANS(5267)

This is a good time for a r3VOLution.