[SFS] SFFS - Retro Pi

Gary A. Romero garomero@thegeek.nu
Mon, 8 Aug 2016 13:53:01 -0600 (MDT)

Howdy y'all,

It's with a bit of excitement that I announce the September Software Freedom First Saturday for September 3rd. This coming month James Romero will be on hand to show us all how to install and run the RetroPi operating system on the Raspberry Pi! This class is sure to be a lot of fun and while it will be a bit technical, even the younger crowd is likely to enjoy it. 

And just to make sure James has a HUGE crowd of people in the class, we'll be giving away a full RasberryPi setup to one of the students[1] in the class.

Class Description:

Instructor: James Romero
Date: 09/03/2016
Time: 11:00am – 3:00pm
Location: Englewood Public Library – Anderson Room
Address: 1000 Englewood Pkwy, Englewood, CO, 80110, us
Cost: $32

Ever wanted to play that old Atari or Nintendo game that you loved growing up? Well with James Romero’s intro to the RetroPie, now is your chance to do it on the cheap!

James Romero will be walking through the set up of RetroPi and discussing ways to find and download ROMs onto your pi. Bring your retro pi project to show off to the group or be ready to share your ideas!

Students will need to bring their own Rasperry Pi B+, 2 or 3, a monitor, 8GB SD card, a keyboard, and optionally a controller. (Images will be available for copying during the class.)

RSVP by leaving a comment on the website: http://www.sofree.us/sffs-build-your-own-retropie/
or by RSVPing on meetup.com: https://www.meetup.com/sofreeus/events/232471495/

[1] Fully Paid Students only. Kit will include a RaspberryPi 3, 7" screen, controller and case.

Gary (Garheade) Romero

SFS Presence Monkey (http://sofree.us)
Bodhi Linux Documentation Lead (http://bodhilinux.com)

Cell: 303-895-6696