[SFS] SFS Newsletter 2016-02-19

Jeffrey Scelza jeffrey.scelza@alpinetechs.com
Fri, 19 Feb 2016 12:53:14 -0700

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News from SFS

SFS Open House / Hacking Hours Tomorrow

This Saturday, we'll just have hacking hours in the Comfy Room.

Rich will be working on OwnCloud. David will be working on Python and
rewriting his buggered BeagleBones. Care to join us?
3 question Survey from SFS

Please spend 1 minutes of your day to answer 3 questions so that we can
better customize our newsletter. The survey can be found here:

The Next Six Months of SFS Events

Refer to www.sofree.us for details of all events. Send questions to


   Saturday, February 20th

   SFS Open House / Hacking Hours Tomorrow

   Saturday, March 5th - Software Freedom First Saturday

   Breakfast - "Coffee of Great Justice" <http://www.sofree.us/?p=3D192042>

   Let=E2=80=99s Try *Cloud9*(c9.io) <http://www.sofree.us/?p=3D192061>

   March 14th - Pi Day ( Py Day )

   2016 *Python* Knights Kicks off on Pi Day

   Saturday, April 2nd - Software Freedom First Saturday


   Build Your Own *Zimbra* Collaboration Server with David L. Willson

   Saturday, May 7th - Software Freedom First Saturday


   Hands-on Intro to *Bitcoin* with David L. Willson

   Saturday, June 4th - Software Freedom First Saturday


   Let's Try *Diaspora* <http://www.sofree.us/?p=3D192068>

Where are we?

   - www.sofree.us
   - Twitter <https://twitter.com/sofree_us>
   - Meetup <http://www.meetup.com/sofreeus/>
   - YouTube <https://www.youtube.com/sofreeus>
   - Email List <http://thegeek.nu/mailman/listinfo/sfs>
   - Facebook <https://www.facebook.com/groups/sofreeus/>
   - IRC <https://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=3Dsofreeus>
   - GitLab <https://gitlab.com/sofreeus>
   - Call or email David L. Willson at 720-333-5267 or DLWillson@SoFree.US

How to Contribute

   - Time
      - Share: Forward this. Blog about us.
      - Write a detailed review of an SFS event.
      - Make a request, or suggestion.
   - Talent
      - Teach something
      - Help with the work
   - Treasure
      - bitcoin to 125TaTUWAzozYK8dWmXXvAzCsBr7eCWZUP
      - USD to paypal.me/sofreeus

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<div dir=3D"ltr"><p><a href=3D"https://gitlab.com/sofreeus/sofreeus/blob/ma=
ster/newsletters/sfs_newsletter_2016-02-19.md">Can&#39;t read, Click here</=

News from SFS</h2>

<p>SFS Open House / Hacking Hours Tomorrow</p>

<p>This Saturday, we&#39;ll just have hacking hours in the Comfy Room.</p>

<p>Rich will be working on OwnCloud. David will be working on Python and re=
writing his buggered BeagleBones. Care to join us?</p>

3 question Survey from SFS</h2>

<p>Please spend 1 minutes of your day to answer 3 questions so that we=20
can better customize our newsletter. The survey can be found here:</p>

<p><a href=3D"https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/YTV659R" rel=3D"nofollow">http=

The Next Six Months of SFS Events</h2>

<p>Refer to <a href=3D"http://www.sofree.us" rel=3D"nofollow">www.sofree.us=
</a> for details of all events. Send questions to <a href=3D"mailto:monkeys=

<p>Saturday, February 20th</p>

<p>SFS Open House / Hacking Hours Tomorrow</p>
<p>Saturday, March 5th - Software Freedom First Saturday</p>

<p><a href=3D"http://www.sofree.us/?p=3D192042" rel=3D"nofollow">Breakfast =
- &quot;Coffee of Great Justice&quot;</a></p>

<p><a href=3D"http://www.sofree.us/?p=3D192061" rel=3D"nofollow">Let=E2=80=
=99s Try <strong>Cloud9</strong>(c9.io)</a></p>
<p>March 14th - Pi Day ( Py Day )</p>

<p><a href=3D"http://www.sofree.us/?p=3D193766" rel=3D"nofollow">2016 <stro=
ng>Python</strong> Knights Kicks off on Pi Day</a></p>
<p>Saturday, April 2nd - Software Freedom First Saturday</p>

<p><a href=3D"https://gitlab.com/sofreeus/sofreeus/blob/master/newsletters/=

<p><a href=3D"https://gitlab.com/sofreeus/sofreeus/blob/master/newsletters/=
sfs_newsletter_2016-02-19.md">Build Your Own <strong>Zimbra</strong> Collab=
oration Server with David L. Willson</a></p>
<p>Saturday, May 7th - Software Freedom First Saturday</p>

<p><a href=3D"https://gitlab.com/sofreeus/sofreeus/blob/master/newsletters/=

<p><a href=3D"https://gitlab.com/sofreeus/sofreeus/blob/master/Intro%20to%2=
0Bitcoin%20with%20David%20L.%20Willson">Hands-on Intro to <strong>Bitcoin</=
strong> with David L. Willson</a></p>
<p>Saturday, June 4th - Software Freedom First Saturday</p>

<p><a href=3D"https://gitlab.com/sofreeus/sofreeus/blob/master/newsletters/=

<p><a href=3D"http://www.sofree.us/?p=3D192068" rel=3D"nofollow">Let&#39;s =
Try <strong>Diaspora</strong></a></p>

Where are we?</h2>

<ul><li><a href=3D"http://www.sofree.us/" rel=3D"nofollow"> www.sofree.us <=
/a></li><li><a href=3D"https://twitter.com/sofree_us" rel=3D"nofollow"> Twi=
tter </a></li><li><a href=3D"http://www.meetup.com/sofreeus/" rel=3D"nofoll=
ow"> Meetup </a></li><li><a href=3D"https://www.youtube.com/sofreeus" rel=
=3D"nofollow"> YouTube </a></li><li><a href=3D"http://thegeek.nu/mailman/li=
stinfo/sfs" rel=3D"nofollow"> Email List </a></li><li><a href=3D"https://ww=
w.facebook.com/groups/sofreeus/" rel=3D"nofollow"> Facebook </a></li><li><a=
 href=3D"https://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=3Dsofreeus" rel=3D"nofollow=
"> IRC </a></li><li><a href=3D"https://gitlab.com/sofreeus"> GitLab </a></l=
i><li>Call or email David L. Willson at 720-333-5267 or DLWillson@SoFree.US=

How to Contribute</h2>


<ul><li>Share: Forward this. Blog about us.</li><li>Write a detailed review=
 of an SFS event.</li><li>Make a request, or suggestion.</li></ul>

<ul><li>Teach something</li><li>Help with the work</li></ul>

<ul><li>bitcoin to 125TaTUWAzozYK8dWmXXvAzCsBr7eCWZUP</li><li>USD to <a hre=

