[SFS] SFFS - Penetrations and Remediations

Gary A. Romero garomero@sofree.us
Fri, 24 Jun 2016 08:55:44 -0600 (MDT)

Hi all, 

Cross Posting this for exposure. Will be the last time for this class.

On Saturday July 9th, the Software Freedom School will be hosting Mike Harris' Penetrations and Remediation's class. This is a great class for anyone interested in system security for their Linux hosts.

Class Summary:

The past three years have been some of the craziest times in computer security. It is now common for major vulnerabilities to have a pretty name attached to them (thanks PR), vulnerabilities have been found in some of our (previously) most trusted protocols (SSL), and huge vulnerabilities are occurring each day.

Mike has been working primarily on the “blue-team” side of things, that is, the defense side. A lot of times we don’t see the same thing that the “red-team” sees when they are attacking our servers, and a lot of the time, we don’t know the real impact that some of the vulnerabilities have on the systems we have been trusted to defend.

Cost for this class is $128 per student but, as always, we are offering the PWYC option.

RSVP for this class on our MeetUp page: http://www.meetup.com/sofreeus/events/232132949/ or comment on our website at: http://www.sofree.us/pnr-mike-harris/

Gary (Garheade) Romero 

SFS Presence Monkey (http://sofree.us) 
Cell: 303-895-6696