[SFS] Final reminder: Aaron's SFS Method is TOMORROW

David L. Willson dlwillson@sofree.us
Fri, 3 Feb 2017 10:41:11 -0700 (MST)

RSVP: https://www.meetup.com/sofreeus/events/236803665

Today is your last chance to RSVP to be a student of Aaron's delivery of SFS Method tomorrow. This class will be good, and it might be great. 'Best not to miss it.

Do you want to be a teacher? This is your last chance to get on this bunny hill. Do you want to be an SFS teacher? It behooves you to learn our ways. Do you want to be a better teacher? Come compare our Method to yours, and we'll both come out with a better method.

Do you know a teacher, great and/or terrible? Do you know a SME that you wish were a teacher, or a better teacher? Call them right now, and invite them directly. Nobody is perfect, but there are somebodies who are excellent, and usually, they are excellent, not by nature, but steady effort. This is a chance to sharpen the saw of your instructional technique.

RSVP: https://www.meetup.com/sofreeus/events/236803665

David L. Willson
Teacher, Engineer, Evangelist
Mobile 720-333-LANS(5267)

This is a good time for a r3VOLution.