[SFS] Mattermost

David L. Willson DLWillson@TheGeek.NU
Wed, 29 Nov 2017 22:41:37 -0700 (MST)

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The new Mattermost server is up. I forgot to make the team public, though, so if you were trying to get in and couldn't, but you didn't complain, you can thank Heather for complaining on your behalf. And, it's fixed now, but you might have to re-log. 

Join the SFS team on http://mattermost.sofree.us 

David L. Willson 
Teacher, Engineer, Evangelist 
Mobile 720-333-LANS(5267) 

This is a good time for a r3VOLution. 

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<html><head><style type='text/css'>p { margin: 0; }</style></head><body><div style='font-family: times new roman,new york,times,serif; font-size: 12pt; color: #000000'>The new Mattermost server is up. I forgot to make the team public, though, so if you were trying to get in and couldn't, but you didn't complain, you can thank Heather for complaining on your behalf. And, it's fixed now, but you might have to re-log.<br><br>Join the SFS team on http://mattermost.sofree.us<br><br><div><span name="x"></span>--<br>David L. Willson<br>Teacher, Engineer, Evangelist<br>COA LFCS CCAH RHCE CLP<br>Mobile 720-333-LANS(5267)<br>http://sofree.us<br><br>This is a good time for a r3VOLution.<span name="x"></span><br></div><br></div></body></html>