[SFS] job: contract python/hardware developer, anywhere

David L. Willson DLWillson@TheGeek.NU
Mon, 9 Oct 2017 16:36:45 -0600 (MDT)


If interested, contact Craig (CC'd).

----- Forwarded Message ----- 

> I'm looking for someone who is:

> Definitely Python-skilled, but also has experience with:
> - Tkinter (user interface)

> - hardware (especially USB)
> - Linux (Ubuntu)
> - C (the language; at least be able to read it)
> - concurrency/multiprocessing/client-server
> - process monitoring

> Please let me know if you can recommend anyone.

> Craig Allen Keefner
> 303.261.8836 | 720.324.1837 m
> www.linkedin.com/in/kiosk
> http://kioskindustry.org