[SFS] Ansible/Elastic Search integration event

Anthony Sayre asayre at sofree.us
Wed Aug 1 12:29:37 MDT 2018

Anyone hearing the buzzword AIOps much?

Some friends of mine at ASG have been working on a thing and implementing it for IT departments that we realized can be described as "AIOps". I think a better description is "Automation/Analytics platforms" as they add value even without the AI/ML part but whatever, these terms take on a life of their own.

In any case, I'd love to see as many SFS students and friends as possible at this free info and demo event were doing at Code Talent 
on this topic as possible:

Ansible and Elasticsearch integration for AIOps / automation platforms

URL: https://www.meetup.com/it-ntl/events/253353524/

Evening of the 21st at Code Talent, N. Blake Street in Denver (many thanks to Travis nelson of Denver Microservices meetup for hooking me up wih the COde Talent folks)

Free food and drink and good conversation with IT-NTL, SFS, Women Who Code, Equili/Lady Coders peeps!
This is right before DevOps Camp as well so I'm calling it a pre-Camp party too ;)

Hope to see you there!

- Anthony

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