[SFS] Mini Linux Bier Wanderung

David L. Willson DLWillson at TheGeek.NU
Wed Aug 15 14:00:38 MDT 2018

The only dates that seem possible for me at this point are 9/9 and 9/23. If you're interested in one or both, vote here: https://doodle.com/poll/6rfiwgdddwx57t9u To indicate that you would attend on either day, but you prefer one over the other, click once on the day you prefer, and twice on the day you dis-prefer. You'll see what I mean. I'll send a reminder in 24 hours and close the voting in 48 hours.

Everyone that is available to the winning **when** will get an email to help me figure out **where**. Once we've got that figured, we'll invite the world.

This is what I have tentatively in mind.

Meet somewhere at (or before?) sunrise for breakfast and chat, hike until about midday, stop somewhere for lunch and chat (or we could pack lunch), hike until almost sunset, stop somewhere for dinner, chat, hacking, and toasting one another.

Currently, I'm thinking Castle Rock or Golden, because they both have hiking near food and beer, but I suppose there are towns further west with even better hiking and better cover, since we'll be hiking all day, we probably care about cover, a little, maybe.

I'm thinking that folks that aren't interested in hiking can just drive to where-ever and meet us for the meals.

Something like that, anyway.

This is what we're miniaturizing: https://linuxbierwanderung.com/

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