[SFS] Upcoming Events

David L. Willson DLWillson at TheGeek.NU
Wed Feb 28 21:11:45 MST 2018

# Upcoming Events

Does this look terrible? Look at https://gitlab.com/sofreeus/sofreeus/blob/master/upcoming_events.md instead!

## Highlights

DevOps Camp has dates, a Meetup landing page, a student, two teachers, a world-class chef, and almost has an outline and a flier! (It's so exciting!)

Also, our first-ever Pi Day Ansible Road Trip. (not a road trip if you live in Colorado Springs, though, is it?)

Also, we're planning an online Bash Programming class. Because Bash rocks, that's why.

Read on, freedom-loving, software-using, lifelong learner!

## Continuous Integration

Release new features faster and more safely, at the same time!

9AM Saturday, March 3rd

at SFS HQ (The Comfy Room)

by Aaron Brown

* [Meetup](https://www.meetup.com/sofreeus/events/247224742/)

## Ansible Tower

auto-configure and integrate legacy and cloud resources

5:30PM Tuesday, March 13th

at ASG

by ASG and Red Hat Software

* [IT-NTL Meetup](https://www.meetup.com/it-ntl/events/247874131/)

## Ansible

Automate the crap out of everything!

9AM Saturday, April 7th

at SFS HQ (The Comfy Room)

by Mike Shoup

* [Meetup](https://www.meetup.com/sofreeus/events/247774593/)

## Bash Programming

Why do 20 minutes of boring work, when you could spend 3 hours writing a script?

Evening class, starting late April, weekday TBD, see below


by David L. Willson

* [Planning](https://gitlab.com/sofreeus/sofreeus/issues/257)
* [Doodle](https://doodle.com/poll/aknb9pruv6c4kyp2)

## Piper Computer Kit

Let's build. No admission without a kid. Being childish is not enough.

9AM Saturday, May 5th

at SFS HQ (The Comfy Room)

by David L. Willson

* [Meetup](https://www.meetup.com/sofreeus/events/247992528/)

## DevOps Camp

You could be a Dev Ops Hero (with stars in your eyes)

9AM Saturday, August 25th - 6PM Tuesday, August 28th

at Snow Mountain Ranch

by Aaron Brown and David L. Willson

* [Meetup](https://www.meetup.com/sofreeus/events/248266974)

## Reminders

* We are lifelong learners. Please share learning opportunities, even if they're not produced by SFS.
* We are friends. You can post just about anything, but if it doesn't have to do with learning free-libre software, stick an "OT:" in front of it.
* We are professionals (when we must be). Please post your help wanted and job wanted here.
* We hang out in [Mattermost](https://mattermost.sofree.us/signup_user_complete/?id=yxm5sbjra7gsmkaj19ut3w6qgr).

David L. Willson
Teacher, Engineer, Evangelist
Mobile 720-333-LANS(5267)

This is a good time for a r3VOLution.

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