[SFS] Upcoming Events: Elastic Stack, DevOps, Method, and Docker

David L. Willson DLWillson at TheGeek.NU
Tue Feb 12 21:07:56 MST 2019

# Upcoming Events 

Would you rather view the Upcoming Events in your browser? [Click here](https://gitlab.com/sofreeus/sofreeus/blob/master/upcoming-events.md)! 

## Highlights 

- Thanks to our Community Scholarship Partners, ASG and Apex Systems, 7 students got scholarships for Intro to DevOps this Saturday! Cool! 
- We have no more scholarships, but we still, as always, have PWYC/PWYW, so learners of different means can still participate. We always need teachers, helpers, and pay-it-forwarders. 
- We do on-site, custom classes. Just ask Captains at SoFree.Us. 
- Got a passion for something free-libre and want to share it? [Join the Teachers ML](lists.sofree.us/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/sfs-teachers) 


## ASG Snaps Back

Anthony and Dusty tell the tale of their Elastic Stack journey :-D

Wednesday (tomorrow) evening 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM at Code

## Intro To DevOps IS THIS SATURDAY! 

We'll use Linux, Bash, Git, Gitlab, Docker, and AWS to create minimum viable DevOps continuous integration pipelines on our laptops. This class is based on content created by Aaron Brown, systems engineer and VP of DevOps at Flowhub.com. Aaron will be on-hand for questions and discussion. 

Also some talk about learning through community, collaboration, and the concept of teaching others as learning/career development. 

Saturday, February 16th 
9AM - 5PM MST 
at Code Talent 

[RSVP Here](https://www.meetup.com/sofreeus/events/257482237/) 

## SFS Method 

Please join us for the first delivery of the new, improved, shorter version of SFS Method. Learn to be a better teacher in just two hours. 

Tuesday, February 19th 
6PM - 8PM MST 
at the Comfy Room and Zoom 

[RSVP Here](https://www.meetup.com/sofreeus/events/258342461/) 

## AGHI2 Docker with Duncan 

Duncan is one of our very best teachers. His well-paced, methodical delivery of Docker fundamentals will have you and your partner learning more and stressing less. 

This is part 1 of a 3-part series. Duncan will continue with Kubernetes on 4/20 and Helm sometime in June. 

Saturday, March 2nd 
8:30am - 1PM MST 
at Code 

[RSVP Here](https://www.meetup.com/sofreeus/events/258870303) 

## AGHI2 GitLab and GitLab.com 

During this gentle, hands-on introduction to GitLab 
We'll create pretend products (probably cheese sandwiches or pies). 
We'll create product teams. 
We'll iterate on our pretend products so quickly that our BitBucket/GitHub using competition will be driven into financial distress and then we will poach their developers. Muhhahah! 
And a whole lot more.... 

Saturday, May 4th 
9AM - 1PM MST 
at Code Talent 

[RSVP Here](https://www.meetup.com/sofreeus/events/257902517/) 

## Events In-planning 

You can't RSVP to these yet. 

* 3/14 Pipelines for Pi Day with David L. Willson - DevOps, CI/CD, GitLab 
* 3/16 Small is Beautiful - a buffet of brilliant little sessions in celebration of Stallman's birthday 
- Sed or Awk is a programming language! with Rich 
- Containers from scratch with Go! with Derek 
- ZFS with Shawn, a.k.a. RedMop 
* 4/6 Python 201 WE NEED A TEACHER! 
* 4/20 AGHI2 Kubernetes with Duncan 

If you don't see what you want, make a wish! The captains at sofree.us love requests! 

## Reminders 

* We are lifelong learners. Please share learning opportunities, even if they're not produced by SFS. 
* We are friends. You can post just about anything, but if it doesn't have to do with learning free-libre software, stick an "OT:" in front of it. 
* We are professionals (when we must be). Please post your help wanted and job wanted here. 
* Come hang out with us in [Mattermost](https://mm.sofree.us/sfs-team/channels/town-square)! 

David L. Willson
Teacher, Engineer, Evangelist
Mobile 720-333-LANS(5267)

This is a good time for a r3VOLution.

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