[SFS] Upcoming Events: OWASP, ProxMox, and Cooking/Baking!

SFS Heather hlwillson at sofree.us
Tue Nov 17 20:21:14 MST 2020

Upcoming Events 

Would you rather view the Upcoming Events in your browser? [ https://gitlab.com/sofreeus/sofreeus/blob/master/upcoming-events.md | Click here ] ! [ https://blue.sofree.us:8443/#highlights ] Highlights 

    * Thank you Kyle Peters for an amazing Python study group. I konw it's been over for a couple weeks but folks are still gathering and having a good time! Our community is lovely! 
    * Docker was a hit! Thanks Alex! 
    * If there is a link in the Meetup posting for a sign in sheet PLEASE take a minute or two to fill it out. It really helps us! 
    * Help promote our classes by sharing the Meetup links on our FB ( [ https://www.facebook.com/softwarefreedomschool/?view_public_for=1409254222735496 | https://www.facebook.com/softwarefreedomschool/?view_public_for=1409254222735496 ] ), LinkedIn (ask to link with me linkedin.com/in/heatherwillson), or resharing on our twitter account (SFS303) 

[ https://blue.sofree.us:8443/#upcoming-classes ] UPCOMING CLASSES 

[ https://blue.sofree.us:8443/#online-2020-11-21-owasp-web-app-firewalls-and-cicd-pipelines-with-anthony-sayre ] ONLINE: 2020-11-21 OWASP, Web App Firewalls, and CI/CD pipelines with Anthony Sayre 

Please use the following link to sign in to SFS PRIOR to class: [ https://tinyurl.com/OWASPCICD | https://tinyurl.com/OWASPCICD ] 

Class Description: Do web app firewalls belong in CI/CD pipelines? 

Discussion/Demo/Workshop on: 


Moving a containerized version of a web app firewall through a CI/CD pipeline 

How to use OWASP ZAP container to attack a webapp through the waf 

Autogenerate a vuln report, and save it as an artifact to your CI pipeline... 

Talk about whether any of that is worth the effort for more than an exercise. 


    * GCP and Gitlab account 

Cost of class: $16 or PWYC 

[ https://www.meetup.com/sofreeus/events/274132215/?success=email_sent&success=mailinglist_sent | Register on Meetup ] 
[ https://blue.sofree.us:8443/#online-2020-12-05-proxmox-with-david-l-willson-and-troy-ridgley ] ONLINE: 2020-12-05 ProxMox with David L Willson and Troy Ridgley 

Pmox is an easier, awesomer way to do VMs and Containers in your small data center than vanilla KVM, VMware, or OpenStack. (Sorry OpenStack, but it's true. Maybe if you stopped being so difficult, people would like you better.) 

During the class, we'll: 


Assemble a multi-node cluster 

Manage user accounts 

Add install media 

Create VMs 

Create LXC containers from templates 

Move VMs from host to host 

Schedule backups 

Check out how easy it is to set up hardware pass-thru 

Cost of Class: $32 or PWYC 

[ https://www.meetup.com/sofreeus/events/274458925/ | Register on Meetup ] 
[ https://blue.sofree.us:8443/#online-2020-12-19-cooking-class-with-heather-l-willson ] ONLINE: 2020-12-19 Cooking class with Heather L. Willson! 

    * this class will be 1-2 hours long cooking and/or baking item(s) TBD 

If you don't see what you want, send your wish to [ mailto:captains at sofree.us | captains at sofree.us ] ! We definitely take requests! [ https://blue.sofree.us:8443/#reminders ] Reminders 

    * We are lifelong learners. Please share learning opportunities, even if they're not produced by SFS. 
    * We are friends. You can post just about anything to the [ http://lists.sofree.us/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/sfs | ML ] . If it's not free-libre, put "OT:" in the subject. 
    * We are professionals. Your "help wanted" and "job wanted" posts are welcome. 
    * Come hang out with us in [ https://mattermost.sofree.us/sfs303/channels/town-square | Mattermost ] ! 

Heather L. Willson 
Software Freedom School 
[ mailto:hlwillson at sofree.us | hlwillson at sofree.us ] 
...where learning is libre... 
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