[SFS] SFS Gathering October

Aaron Brown aayore at sofree.us
Tue Sep 26 10:00:39 MDT 2023

  October - Software Freedom First Saturday: The Gathering


Software Freedom First Saturday: The Gathering

Start your month off right, by building software freedom with your 
technical friends.


 1. OpenWRT on KVM with Varun Vajpeyi
 2. GLTF Validation With Pydantic by John EdwardDrinane
 3. David's Mobbing Game


 1. A machine, preferably Linux
 2. A question or an idea
 3. Maybe a show and tell

Event Details:

 1. 😍 You may have seen OpenWRT installed on an old residential-grade
    router, but did you know you can run OpenWRT as a VM? Varun will
    demonstrate a KVM implementation and some must-have commands.
 2. 😎 John shares his journey into 3D graphics: Pydantic is a mature
    Python wrapper of Rust for data validation. GLTF is a graphics
    schema standard. See some basic examples of data validation starting
    from Hello World to one of the canonical 3d files ported to GTLF.
 3. 🎯 David Willson demonstrates the value of mob work with a game!

There is avalue for value <https://pastebin.com/raw/i71NPm7m>ask of most 
events, this month is:

  * 16 USD: https://paypal.me/sfs303/16
  * Or Pay What You Choose:pwyc at sofree.us <http://mailto:pwyc@sofree.us/>


This is a hybrid event,/in-person preferred/.

When you register, you'll be asked whether you're planning to 
participate in-person or online. We need to know so we can plan seats, 
beverages will be available, as well as snacks.

We use Jitsi (it's like Zoom) for our online classroom:

  * https://meet.jit.si/sfs-gathering

- We also haveMattermost 
<https://mattermost.sofree.us/sfs303/channels/town-square>for sharing 
notes, leaving links, and messaging.

Doors and BBB open at*8:30am*.

Those that get there early will take a vote for the rally track before 
presentations begin (to let everyone know the show is beginning and to 
take a seat or turn up volume):

  * Frank Turner - The Gathering

This post may change as details resolve.

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