David L. Willson DLWillson@TheGeek.NU
Sat, 10 Sep 2016 12:02:49 -0600 (MDT)

Hey umm... I miss you guys. In a nice way, like a young John Cusack with a boom box at a polite distance.

Let's start meeting in Big Blue Button for a learning lunch once a week again. Somebody could lead a lesson: 22 minutes of lecture and demo, followed by 38 minutes of practice and hang out, followed by a verbal high-fives and see you next week. Sound fun?

If you're interested:

* Which days are good and bad for you?

For me, Tuesday's are no good. Other days are good.

* Which topics seem interesting to you or could you do a session on?

I can do basics of teaching, git, markdown, ansible, virtualbox, puppet, and bash. And, some intermediate or more specific things, like "finding files" and DNS and availability. I'm interested in everything from algorithms to zoology.