[SFS] Git Class

Gary A. Romero garomero@sofree.us
Mon, 6 Feb 2017 14:42:31 -0700 (MST)


Howdy y'all,

I wanted to take a minute to announce our Git and Markdown class on March 4th, 9:00am. If you've heard of Git but never had the opportunity to use it, now is your chance to learn the fundamentals! Details for the class are below.

Instructor: David Willson Date: 03-04-2017 Time: 9:00am - 1:00pm Location: SFS HQ- The Comfy Couch (4237 W Grand Ave, Littleton, CO) Donation: $16 or PWYC

Come learn about Git, one of the most common software versioning systems in use today!

Along with learning the fundamentals of Git, we'll be teaching you how to use Git Markdown. With Git markdown you can create wonderful pages and wiki articles in GitHub and GitLab.

Requirements: Students should come with their own laptop and be able to install applications on it.

RSVP Here: * https://www.meetup.com/sofreeus/events/237507014/

Gary (Garheade) Romero 
SFS Presence Monkey (http://sofree.us) 
Cell: 303-895-6696