[SFS] Upcoming Events: Release Parties, NextCloud, Nagios, and Method

David L. Willson DLWillson@TheGeek.NU
Mon, 16 Oct 2017 21:29:04 -0600 (MDT)


* Job and resume postings are welcome. Please set an informative subject. Something like "job:" or "resume:" followed by title and location is perfect.
* Come hang out with us in MatterMost: 

Upcoming Events:

I've taken the liberty of throwing in a couple things from outside SFS and IT-NTL that I think you might be interested in.

Thursday 10/26 6:30pm, Release Party for Unix and Linux System Administration Handbook, 5th Edition, at the AppliedTrust office in Boulder 
* RSVP: rsvp@appliedtrust.com

Friday 10/27 6PM, System76 and CoLoCo, Ubuntu and POP!_OS Release Party at the System76 office in Denver
* Details/RSVP: http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-us-co/3621-pop-it-off-with-ubuntu-system76-and-the-new-pop_os/

Saturday 11/4 9AM, November's SFFS, Mike Shoup will teach NextCloud at the Comfy Room / SFS HQ.
NextCloud is better than DropBox and S3 and Google Drive, and it's even better than OwnCloud.
* Details: http://www.sofree.us/nextcloud-by-mike-shoup/
* Price: $16 or PWYC

Tuesday 11/7, DOSUG has Joshua Drake delivering "POSTGRESQL V10: An Amplified Version of Postgres"
* Details/RSVP: https://www.meetup.com/DOSUG1/events/242573065/

For December's SFFS, Justin Lang will show us the basics of Nagios monitoring.
* Details: http://www.sofree.us/nagios-by-justin-lang-12-02-2017/
* Price: $16 or PWYC

For January's SFFS, David Willson will be teaching the SFS Method, a simple, effective class-planning framework for Subject-Matter Experts who would like to teach.
* Details: http://www.sofree.us/sfs-method-by-david-willson-01-06-2018/
* Price: $16 or PWYC