[SFS] NextCloud, diaspora*, email, etc.

DLWillson DLWillson at SoFree.Us
Sat Jan 26 20:02:20 MST 2019

Hi Paul,
Email: Zimbra Collaboration Server. I *love* it. The old one has IM, but the spam-filter sucks. The new one has no IM, but the spam-filter is not bad. Has calendar, tasks, contacts, directory, briefcase (files), and everything is shareable. Free accounts for fishes.
Nextcloud: I did it as an Ubuntu snap, like professor Shoup taught me. Works great, lays a long time. Free accounts for fishes.
Social/micro-blog: I'm still stuck on Twitter and Facebook. I was on Diaspora for a while, but nobody else was, and... There's an interesting tension between privacy and connectedness in blogging. I'm about ready to go back to straight-up WordPress, or ... maybe SoundCloud, where I can audioblog. I'd love to go where the geeks are, but I don't know where they are, but holy crap, Facebook and Twitter can be vile, sometimes. No good answer here, I'm afraid.
David L. Willson720-333-LANS

-------- Original message --------
From: "P. Hoemke" <hoemke.paul at gmail.com> 
Date: 1/25/19  10:22 PM  (GMT-07:00) 
To: sfs at lists.sofree.us 
Subject: [SFS] NextCloud, diaspora*, email, etc. 

So for those of us wanting to take complete and total control of "all
the things" independently, how are you using things like NextCloud,
social networking, hosting, and of course that wicked old monster,

Worst first: Hosting your own email is just begging for trouble,
because damn the spammers! But it can be done -- who's doing it, and
how bad is it, and what stack do you use?

NextCloud, that seems pretty straightforward, wherever you host it
(home/colo hardware, AWS/Azure, hosting co, SaaS vendor), unless you
want addons maybe?

Social networking is now all walled gardens that are more like cattle
pens -- but what's the alternative? That I'm not sure of: diaspora*?
Mastodon? Other? Back to blogs?

Curious everybody's thoughts and approaches. Seems like I need to
seize the carpe by the horns, as the poets say... :)

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