[SFS] May the Fourth ... Comfy Room ... The Gathering!

SFS Heather hlwillson at sofree.us
Fri May 3 07:24:18 MDT 2024

Join SFS THIS Saturday in the Comfy Room (preferred) or online (see post) for The Gathering/Small is Beautiful! 

1. Alan Robertson -This talk is about why secrets are hard to secure on a computer, and how this difficulty affects computer mediated elections. 

    * A demonstration of managing physical secrets using a lock box 
    * What kinds of data needs to be secret in an election 
    * Why is it hard to secure any secret data on a computer 
    * How secret data is stored on election computers 
    * How might one do a better job of securing critical secrets, and corresponding difficulties 

2. Jeff Haemer - A Bit of Bash: How Does a Shell Work? 
One way to understand shells better is to write one. I'll do that in a live demo. To keep it simple, I'll write that shell in bash. 
"Really???" Really. "No way!" Way. 
Come watch me face plant. 

Heather L. Willson 
Software Freedom School 
[ mailto:hlwillson at sofree.us | hlwillson at sofree.us ] 
...where learning is libre... 
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