[SFS] 5/18 SFS Class: WTF Is Linux?

Aaron Brown aayore at gmail.com
Tue May 14 10:17:50 MDT 2024

WTF Is Linux?

A Gentle, Hands-on Intro to Linux

What was created by a 21-year old college student in 1991 and "won't be big and professional like gnu?" The most widely-used operating system in the world, of course. (Five times the install base of Windows. [link <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Usage_share_of_operating_systems>])

Linux runs just about anywhere. Your fridge, probably. Your phone, maybe? Knowing the basics of Linux opens up a world of geekery from phone hacking to replacing your home wireless router's software with commercial-grade management software to building your own arcade machine with a Raspberry Pi.



Understand what Linux is
Navigate a Linux computer from the command line
Run basic programs

ssh client

32 USD or PWYC, https://www.sofree.us/how-to-pay

Where: This will be a in-person event at the Comfy Room
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