[SFS] Linux Foundation Cyber Monday - ends tonight

David L. Willson dlwillson at thegeek.nu
Tue Dec 10 21:47:25 MST 2019

You probably already know, but LF's biggest sale of the year is ending tonight. If you want one of their certs, this deal is probably the best way to get it. 

[ https://training.linuxfoundation.org/cybermonday/?SSAID=747593&sscid=c1k3_9tf7d | https://training.linuxfoundation.org/cybermonday/?SSAID=747593&sscid=c1k3_9tf7d ] 

Make sure to look at the bottom of the page first, if you're considering multiple certs, because they have super-combos down there. Not sure why. Bad design, really. 

I'm going through the material now to update my LFCS to get ready for our Linux Sysadmin study group in January. It's pretty good so far. 

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