[SFS] free-form, accumulative survey

Abraham, David David.Abraham at dish.com
Thu Jan 3 14:41:46 MST 2019

I was going to respond with Joomla or wordpress, but this article does a better job.


David Abraham | Engineer III | david.abraham at dish.com | 307.633.5448
530 EchoStar Drive | Cheyenne, WY | DISH Technologies. <http://careers.dish.com/>
From: SFS <sfs-bounces at lists.sofree.us> on behalf of Mike <mikedawg at gmail.com>
Sent: Thursday, January 3, 2019 8:18 AM
To: Richard Glazier
Cc: sfs at lists.sofree.us
Subject: Re: [SFS] free-form, accumulative survey

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This is a debate we get into often, at work.

Here is the overall ideas behind that very question we run into, about yearly:

LimeSurvey - robust, Open Source, admin functionality may take some time to learn.

Key Survey - decent functionality, user interface needs work.

Google Forms - less functionality; enterprise account

Survey Monkey, Survey Gizmo, etc. - are very easy to use, rich with functionality, and low cost (varies on your anticiapted target population size).

On Wed, Jan 2, 2019 at 9:34 PM Richard Glazier <glazier at gmail.com<mailto:glazier at gmail.com>> wrote:
I feel like I've used survey monkey with instant results turned on, to do that, but I don't think that's free software.

On Wed, Jan 2, 2019, 9:18 PM David L. Willson <DLWillson at thegeek.nu<mailto:DLWillson at thegeek.nu> wrote:
Hey everyone,

I have a software challenge, and I can't think of an easy answer. I want to run a free-form, accumulative interest survey, so SFS can ratify or adjust its production schedule.

I want to be able to ask all of you, "What do you want to learn in 2019?" and let you enter whatever you like. Importantly, you should see what everyone before you entered, with a check-box, and how many people have voted in favor, and you should be able to add new things. *Maybe* (but I'm not sure on this one) you should be able to say how many hours you'd like to spend learning each thing.


1st respondent sees nothing, and responds: Ansible, Python, Bash

2nd respondent sees one vote each for Ansible, Python, Bash, and answers: Ansible, Python, Puppet, Java

3rd respondent sees two votes for each of Ansible and Python, one vote for each of Bash, Puppet, and Java, and answers... whatever they answer.

See what I mean? Can you think of any free software or survey site that does that? I know I could make a custom web-db app to do it... If nobody can think of something ready-made, who's interested in a little pair programming?

Our goal to send the survey is before the end of January. Go!
David L. Willson
Teacher, Engineer, Evangelist
Mobile 720-333-LANS(5267)

This is a good time for a r3VOLution.

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