[SFS] Upcoming Events: SFS Method, Hacker Day, Ansible

Heather L. Willson hlwillson at sofree.us
Tue May 21 13:40:31 MDT 2019

Upcoming Events 

Would you rather view the Upcoming Events in your browser? Click here ! Highlights 

    * Intro to DevOps ROCKED! A big shout out to Anthony, Aaron, and Silvia for your hard work and delivery of this class. Also, a thank you to all the students that participated! 
    * Thank you to F5 for the scholarship funds that allowed us to provide funding for 11 students. 
    * We do on-site, custom classes. Just ask Captains at SoFree.Us . 
    * Is your company interested in sponsoring an SFS event? Please have them reach out to Captains at sofree.us for more details. 
    * Got a passion for something free-libre and want to share it? Join the Teachers ML 
    * David and Heather are going to pick up the SFS van! If you or anyone you know is intersted in buying a 1993 VW Eurovan - Westie have them reach out to Heather Willson @ hlwillson at sofree.us 

SFS Method 

If you've worked in tech for any length of time, you probably notice you have to keep constantly learning new things. One of those things should be how to teach the things you know. This makes you a more effective communicator which is crucial to career development. Not to mention teaching is a great way to reinforce your own learning. 

Wednesday, May 29th 6:30 PM to 9:30 PM at The Comfy Room (SFS HQ) or in Zoom 

$32 or PWYC 

RSVP Here 

Events In-planning 

You can't RSVP to these yet. 

    * SysAdmin/Hacker Day 2019-06-01 in the Comfy Room! RSVP coming soon! 
    * Ansible by Alex Wise on 2019-06-15! RSVP coming soon! 
    * Some kind of Red Hat day? This came up recently and I like the idea. If interested in this, let us know at captains at sofree.us 

If you don't see what you want, make a wish! The captains at sofree.us love requests! Reminders 

    * We are lifelong learners. Please share learning opportunities, even if they're not produced by SFS. 
    * We are friends. You can post just about anything, but if it doesn't have to do with learning free-libre software, stick an "OT:" in front of it. 
    * We are professionals (when we must be). Please post your help wanted and job wanted here. 
    * Come hang out with us in Mattermost ! 

Heather L. Willson 
Software Freedom School 
hlwillson at sofree.us 
...where learning is libre... 

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